Nothing is as constant as change, especially in times of highly disruptive and irreversible influences such as digitalization and post-pandemic and the accompanying new, untrained encounter of people. Organization and people are now faced with the task of confronting the implications. Change in itself is thus no longer an end in itself but rather an actual and unavoidable transformation to achieve and expand a new, better status quo.

Change Consulting

In addition to a smart strategy & clear vision for the transformation of an organization, real change needs the profound conviction of employees. Very often, the idea prevails in change processes that appropriate communication alone will enable the desired transformation processes. In reality, however, successful and sustainable development requires the motivation and commitment of employees. A smart, empathetic change management program that is interlinked with all structural changes contributes precisely to this and enables the implementation of strategic goals in a sustainable and measurable way.

Request for Change Consulting

Change Coaching

The desire of one’s own further development through coaching is the right one. Today, executives and managers at all levels no longer have the task of merely administering companies and departments, but of successfully navigating through times of strong change. Change always starts with us first. Once we have understood how to create real change by alternating between emotions and further development and by building a clear attitude and convincing communication, this is transferable to ourselves, to our fellow human beings and to the entire organization.

Request for Change Coaching

Change Expert

Simone Klinkner

Simone Cortellaro

Als international ausgebildete Diplom-Kauffrau und nach dem Studium der Psychologie erwarb Simone in einem Dax-30-Unternehmen profunde internationale Marketing- & Vertriebs-, Führungs- und Reorganisationsexpertise, bevor sie als Change Consultant und Executive Coach tätig wurde. Sie entwickelt und leitet groß angelegte Change-Management-Programme und coacht Führungskräfte des Top-Managements. Kurz gesagt: Es geht immer darum, die Themen von Menschen und Organisationen zu hören, zu fühlen und notwendige Maßnahmen mit einem angemessenen Kommunikationsstil zu unterstützen. Als Fernsehmoderatorin produzierte Simone Cortellaro ihr eigenes deutsches TV-Format “BusinessLive TV” und kreierte die internationale Produktion Inspire Tomorrow, in der sie Interviews und Gespräche mit Experten und Vorbildern in Management, Technologie und Gesellschaft führt. Darüber hinaus ist Simone Cortellaro Dozentin für Rhetorik an der Universität Mannheim und Aufsichtsratsmitglied in einem Finanzunternehmen.


Tool for company-wide surveys and analyses in the context of change management

Real-time processing of all participants and evaluation of the results

Integration of different change management methods

Pivot Point Theory

In a clearly structured and at the same time emotional development workshop for individuals and teams, strengths potentials of the acting people, but also of the pending or to be adopted issues and an efficient and prioritized distribution of tasks are worked out. At the end, the answer to the question: “How am I or how are we as a team most successful” is in the room.

  • Managementwissen wird in Workshops strukturiert bearbeitet
  • Inhaltliche und emotionale Themen von Teams werden durchgespielt, gesammelt und neu sortiert nach:
    • Wichtigkeit
    • Herangehensweise
    • Teamzusammensetzung
    • Art und Weise der Zusammenarbeit

Change Inspiration


Interviews & Digital Talks with experts and role models from management, technology and society.

Change Inspiration


Interviews & Digital Talks mit Experten und Vorbildern aus Management, Technologie und Gesellschaft.


Hintergründe und Einblicke, wie Veränderung und Weiterentwicklung erfolgreich gestaltet werden kann.

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