Digital process design is an essential component of industrial excellence. Our digital products and methods help to meet the current challenges of our customers in this context and to open up corresponding focus areas for digitization approaches.
Digital Expert
Stefan Pösel schloss sein Wirtschaftsingenieur-Studium an der Technischen Universität Berlin mit den Vertiefungen Logistik und Qualitätsmanagement ab. Er war in beratender Funktion bei international agierenden Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Automotive, Automobillogistik, Elektromobilität und Polymerverarbeitung tätig und analysierte unter anderem anhand eines Performance Checks die Leistungsfähigkeit der jeweiligen Kernbereiche. Er verfügt über mehrjährige Erfahrung im IT Management von Unternehmensberatungen und verantwortete zudem im Rahmen zahlreicher Projekte die digitale Produktentwicklung für international tätige Unternehmen. Wertvoll dafür waren unter anderem auch seine Design-Kompetenzen, welche er während einer über 10 Jahre dauernden Selbständigkeit als Bildgestalter in der Filmbranche aufbaute.
The Digital Excellence (DX) Check gives you a holistic overview of the status quo of digitization in your company. The scientifically founded questions consider the six core areas of a company, which are significantly influenced by the digital transformation.
Transparency about the maturity of digitization
Gap-analysis based on individual corporate objectives
Guidance for the digital transformation

Supply Chain Monitor
Real time risk management based on big data-analysis supported by AI
Increased complexity in the dependence of the supply chain leads to various risks. The risk management of supply chains must anticipate those risks. The IMX Supply Chain Monitor provides help, it analyzes short messages in real time which allows an early detection and a quick reaction to any disturbance.
Overview and measurements of performance with assessments and audits
Assess2Audit combines the planning and execution of assessments and audits with the evaluation and presentation of the results in a free editable KPI cockpit. These gives you an easy overview over the performance of the company and shows areas for improvement.
Supply Chain Monitor
Real time risk management by big data-analysis supported by AI
Increased complexity in the dependence in the supply chain leads to varios risks. The risk management of supply chains have to antizipate those risks. The IMX Supply Chain Monitor analysis short messages in real time which allows an early detection and a quick reaction to any disturbance.
Overview and messurement of performance with assessments and audits
Assess2Audit combines the planning and execution of assessments and audits with the evaluation and presentation of the results in a free editable KPI cockpit. These gives you an easy overview over the performance of the company and shows areas for improvement.
Platform independent B2B-Asset-Tracking
Due to the growing number of involved players within supply chains, complete tracking along the supply chains is only possible at considerable effort. That‘s where EasyTrace comes into play by using smartphones to collect consignment data. Given the wide spread of devices, the app ensures entensive real-time tracking.
Planning security based on macroeconomic indicator analysis
The corporate analysis and macroeconomic forecast provides planning reliability in times of highly volatile conditions. The Economic Trend Outlook Model (ETOM) identifies leading market indicators that periodically correlate with company sales. It provides customized sales forecasts up to 36 months to support your budgeting process.
Platform independent B2B-Asset-Tracking
Due to the growing number of involved players within supply chains, complete tracking along the supply chains is only possible at considerable effort. That‘s where EasyTrace comes into play by using smartphones to collect consignment data. Given the wide spread of devices, the app ensures entensive real-time tracking.
Planning security based on macroeconomic indicator analysis
The corporate analysis and macroeconomic forecast provides planning reliability in times of highly volatile conditions. The Economic Trend Outlook Model (ETOM) identifies leading market indicators that periodically correlate with company sales. It provides customized sales forecasts up to 36 months to support your budgeting process.
Quick Checks
OperationsExcellence Check
Performance Check for your company
The Operations Excellence Check is a service provided to support customers in identifying potential for improvement and pave the way towards manufacturing excellence. The analysis report is put into graphs and complemented by an expert discussion.
DigitalExcellence Check
Digital Readiness Check for your company
The Digital Excellence Check gives you a holistic overview of the status quo of digitization in your company. The scientifically founded questions consider the six core areas of a company, which are significantly influenced by the digital transformation.
Culture/LeadershipExcellence Check
Emotional Intelligence Check for your company
Get a holistic view of the status quo of cultural and leadership-critical factors in your business with the Culture/Leadership Excellence Check.
OperationsExcellence Check
Performance Check for your company
The Operations Excellence Check is a service provided to support customers in identifying potential for improvement and pave the way towards manufacturing excellence. The analysis report is put into graphs and complemented by an expert discussion.
DigitalExcellence Check
Digital Readiness Check for your company
The Digital Excellence Check gives you a holistic overview of the status quo of digitization in your company. The scientifically founded questions consider the six core areas of a company, which are significantly influenced by the digital transformation.
Culture/LeadershipExcellence Check
Emotional Intelligence Check for your company
Get a holistic view of the status quo of cultural and leadership-critical factors in your business with the Culture/Leadership Excellence Check.